Wednesday, February 4, 2009

on a more somber note about my dad revised

broought the old into and monday dispite the blizzard glad i did

I thought the old man had phnomia (god knows hows that is spelled) turns the doc did not agree but detected a bladder infection like i had last summer I pushed himand dad to admit dad to the hospital

follow up test today

one dad does have mild phomonia according an xray

two dad is losing a bit of blood somewhere and needed a transfususion well hr a unit of my blodd and another of my wife since she was tested and found almost fully compateable (opos fopr my b pos for dad) so no big charges there and ewe know where our blood has been BTW fpr the nimbusters nut I wouldnot be allowed t give my dad if I had the AIDS they keep accussing me of (revised he received a unit of stray blood and my wifes will be used tomorrow

but fact never bothered them

again this is blooged from applebee bar and grill

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