Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the date is Set?

the ARRL claim to have knowledge that the R&O will published on jan 24 2007 making for an effective date of 23 feb 2007from

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

ah well not today

I was hoping that the R&O would come out today giving us no code for my birthday

a sight I have been watching with some interest

I have been watching with interest the recent cyber terror attacks directed aginst the neoNAZI's like and and other NeoNAI ayran nation type groups. It satrted with massive efforts to overload Hal turners server(s) and has spread to others amusing that seems unaffectedthe prerps in this intereternet seem to be although some darkly suggest that various WN or NeoNazis are responible I doubt the latter as it would seem beyond their ken although each Figure is trying to exploit the matter for any benfit they can direve from itso i watch and wait to see what developesas I belive the rest of us should