Thursday, August 23, 2007

truely anybody with what they belive is evdence of fraud on my part or any other crime plase contact the cops

Thursday, August 23, 2007 on eBay is a very serious issue that law enforcement is working diligently to correct. People who have been defrauded should contact the authorities in the area the criminal exists (for example, the Chassel County sheriff or prosecutor) as well as file appropriate complaints atI have said many times and I say it again anyone with evdence against should take it to Law Enforement at once so the true perp can be tracked down and caughtit has been threatened by various parties to set up fraudlent ebay auction in my name and I added to my QRZ bio a disclaiming that I don;t seel on enaby and was not responisble for anyone sending money to me as a result. I am advised by conseul that I am firm legal groundby the way I live in HOUGHTON county there is no chassell county that I know ofthe local sheriff can be contacted here again please if you think you are the victum of fraud please contact LE AT ONCE

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