Thursday, July 30, 2009

for the WTF file

got this email not at all sure waht to make of it


I just came across your blog,Moonbounce by KB9RQZ and found it to be pretty insightful. I’m trying to get some freelance practice, and was wondering if you would be willing to consider a guest piece from me. I could write on something specific for you, or something that would fit in with your blog.

Let me know if you are willing and if there is a process or anything. If you choose to accept my article, I would only ask for a single link back to my site,

I have included 2 of my previous published posts:

Please get back with me if you would like me to send something over for your consideration.

Thanks for your time,

Jill Gordon

Monday, July 27, 2009

rumour has it that....

Bataxter is having a number of KFM so called drones onin the next week or 2

Saturday, July 25, 2009

a fw day ago this came out I waited since sometime the site get a bit over loaded

News from WorldRadio Online...

First, a word or two from our sponsors...

1) We think we've finally figured out how to send this message in
plain text (didn't work too well last month). So now, in theory, even
if you're signed up to receive these messages in digest form, and
even if you haven't told the e-mail system to send you HTML, the
message should get through OK, even if it is "plain vanilla" (If you
want something that looks pretty, you'll have to go get the magazine!).

2) As a reminder, we do not e-mail the issue to you. There has been
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viewing/downloading the entire issue at once. The four segments in
the August issue cover pages 1-13, 14-25, 26-39 and 40-51. The table
of contents is included with each segment. If you are interested in
this option, please follow the instructions on the welcome page.

Now, the real reason for sending you this message...

The August issue of WorldRadio Online is available for downloading
and reading. Here's what you'll find ... in full color and with lots
of pretty pictures:


Musings from Seven Miles Up: The DXpedition to Mozambique, by Cal White, WF5W
DIY (Do-It-Yourself) RF Ammeter, by Mike Herman, WB8EVI


Editor's Log
Rules & Regs: Accept Compensation?
With the HandiHams: We Want Our Morse Code!
Trail-Friendly Radio: The Baby Black Widow: "Houston, we DON'T have a problem!"
Promotion and Recruitment: Summertime and the Promoting is Easy
FISTS CW Club: Celebrate our Brasspounding Legacy - Go Portable!
MARS: Thinking About "The Big One" and Preparing for it -- For Real
Amateur Satellites: ARISS: A Major Motivator
Emcomm and You: Never Stop Learning
DX World: DXing 101
Propagation: Is the Worldwide Ionosphere "In Step"?
Aerials: Half-Vertical Antenna


WorldRadio Online Newsfront
New Products
DX Predictions - August
Contest Calendar
Hamfests & Special Events
VE Exams
Visit Your Local Radio Club
WorldRadio Online Mart

On the Cover:
Inside this issue you will read about the adventures that hams are
having while operating portable around the globe -- from Africa to
local parks, as well as ways to promote ham radio and attract teens
to the Amateur Service.

To download and view the August issue of WorldRadio Online, go to the
CQ home page at and click on the
"WorldRadio Online" box. There are several options for
viewing/downloading the issue. See the instructions on the welcome
page. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to read WorldRadio
Online. If you do not have it, scroll to the bottom of the welcome
page and you will find a link for a free download.


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Thursday, July 23, 2009

a nice colection of ham note

here god to read instead of the forums at QRZ

indeed I wonder at why Fred promotes this festering boil in HR public image but then it does make him money

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry of the snap ahem the the hald blood prince

just got back form seeing the lastest harry potter film

yes I enoyed it. missed a few of the subplots: like the fudge reiagn and eing replaced at the Ministry of magic.

I did not remmber the sense in which the borrow is burned out but it has been a bit since I read the book

Sunday, July 5, 2009

jul 4th

just abit of fireworks